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Jiorgos Sarrigeorgiou

Indispensably active in the background of the ICICTE conference since 2004, Jiorgos Sarrigeorgiou is part of the backbone of the conference, and helps make the event successful.


Jiorgos, whose main field of expertise is the installation of heating and cooling systems, has worked in Technical Vocational Schools since 2000. He served for several years in remote areas such as Samos island in the North-East Aegean Sea and Komotini in the North-Eastern part of the mainland of Greece. There Jiorgos dealt with the inequality of educational opportunities within rural areas by introducing in his teaching methods innovative approaches that went beyond formal education.


He has been involved in European life-long training programmes such as Comenius, as well as in national actions such as Daedalus, which is a programme for the development and implementation of demonstration projects and the awarding of educational projects by students of public Technical Vocational Schools.


He has contributed greatly to the success of many editions of ICICTE by means of his hard work and his persistent positive approach to problem solving.

Marcie Boucouvalas

J. Ola Lindberg

Ġorġ Mallia

Peter Mayall

Anders D. Olofsson

Barry O'Grady

Simon Shurville


© ICICTE 2009