Abstracts |
FACEBOOK - A SOCIAL NETWORKING TOOL FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES: DEVELOPING SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS Nikleia Eteokleous, Frederick University; Despo Ktoridou,Iacovos Stavrides and Michalakis Michaelidis, University of Nicosia, Cyprus The purpose of this research
was to examine and evaluate the role, usefulness and value of social
networking as perceived by higher education students. It also
attempted to examine the educational role of social networking by
developing Special Interest Groups within a social networking site
(in this case Facebook). Specifically, it describes and presents an
evaluation of the use of three Facebook Interest Groups: MIS –
Management Information Systems, Science, and Engineering, by the
faculty and students of five universities in Cyprus. The preliminary
analysis of the results highlights the promising and important role
and value of such groups in both social and academic life. Finally,
the paper discusses “best practice” policies for Facebook
integration for educational purposes. |