Guest edited by our own Gregory
Anderson, chair of the scientific committee and long-time part
of the ICICTE organisation community, Campus Wide Information
Systems has the longest history of support for the
conference, publishing many special editions with papers taken
from ICICTE. This year will be no exception.

Campus-Wide Information Systems
(CWIS) provides a forum for the sharing of the latest theories,
applications, and services related to planning, developing,
managing, using, and evaluating information technologies in
administrative, academic, and library computing, as well as
other educational technologies.
Publishing research articles
illustrating and critiquing educational technologies and new
uses of technology in education; issue-or results-focused case
studies detailing examples of technology applications in higher
education; and in-depth analyses of the latest theories,
applications and services in the field. The journal provides
wide-ranging and independent coverage of the management, use and
integration of information resources and learning technologies.
This Journal is abstracted
and indexed by: Scopus, A+ Education, ABI Inform, Academic
Search Alumni, Academic Search Complete, Academic Search
Premier, Academic Source Complete, Academic Source Premier,
Australian Education Index, Computer & Applied Sciences
Complete, Current Awareness Abstracts, Education Resources
Information Center (ERIC), Emerald Management Reviews, The
Informed Librarian, Information Management and Technology
Abstracts, INSPEC, OCLC, ProQuest, Publishing in Academic
Journals in Education.
This journal is available as part of
an online subscription to the Emerald Education eJournals
Collection. For more information, please e-mail
Volume 31 issue 4 -
Latest Issue - Published: 2014
Special Issue: Digital Uptake in
Higher Education. Guest Editor: Gregory S. Anderson
Introductory Note
Greg Anderson
On MOOCs and Beyond
Marcie Boucouvalas, Linda Morris
You cant always get what you want: Change management in Higher
Stephen Brown
Most courses are not born digital: an overview of the Quality
Matters peer review process for online course design
Evangeline Marlos Varonis
The Landscape of Chinese Open Educational Resources Research
Ling Xu, Jingjing Zhang, Qinhua Zheng
A Framework for the Design of Computer-assisted Simulation
Training for Complex Police Situations
Tor Sφderstrφm, Jan Εstrφm, Greg Anderson, Ron Bowles
The Use of Social Networking and Learning Management Systems in
English Language Teaching in Higher Education
Evriklea Dogoriti, Jenny Pange, Greg Anderson
Using a Synchronous Online Learning Environment to Promote and
Enhance Transactional Engagement Beyond the Classroom.
Steven John Wdowik
Wadawurrung Dya Baap Ngobeeyt: Teaching spatial mapping
Carolyn J Woodley, Sean Fagan, Sue Marshall
Campus Wide Information Systems
is the peer-reviewed journal with the longest history of support
for the conference, publishing many special editions with papers
taken from ICICTE