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Cooperative Freedom and Transparency in Online Education

Professor Morten Flate Paulsen

Professor of Online Education at the Norwegian School of Information Technology, Norway.


The presentation focuses on the opportunities to provide online education that combines individual freedom with meaningful cooperation. Online students often seek individual flexibility and freedom. At the same time, many need or prefer cooperation and social unity . These aims are difficult to combine, so the presentation discusses online education tools and services that support both individual freedom and cooperation. The presentation also elucidates the opportunities and challenges with transparency in online learning environments and provides examples and experiences from Universidade Aberta in Portugal and NKI Nettstudier in Norway.


Morten Flate Paulsen is the Director of Innovation and Development at NKI Nettstudier and Professor of Online Education at the Norwegian School of Information Technology (NITH) in Norway. He is President of the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) and was on the European Association for Distance Learning (EADL) R&D committee until November 2010. In the school year 2009-2010, he worked part time for Universidade Aberta in Portugal. From 1999 to 2005, Professor Paulsen was appointed as Adjunct Professor, at the Athabasca University, Centre for Distance Education in Canada. He has a Doctorate of Education from the Pennsylvania State University, Department of Adult Education and Instructional Systems. Professor Paulsen is the regional editor for IRRODL (The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning),  EURODL (The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning) and the Asian Journal of Distance Education. He is also on the Editorial Board of seminar.net.


He has worked with online education since he designed NKI's first Learning Management System in 1986 and published many books, reports and articles about the topic. Many of his publications and presentations are available at his personal homepage at http://home.nki.no/morten. His book Online Education and Learning Management Systems is available via www.studymentor.com.


You may also find more information about Professor Paulsen’s work at:



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Professor Morten Flate Paulsen




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