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Distance Education and Technology: A long marriage

Professor Alan Tait

Professor of Distance Education and Development at the Open University, UK.

Alan Tait is Professor of Distance Education and Development at the Open University and has a long record of professional practice, publication and the support of professional development in distance and e-learning. From 2007 to 2012 he was Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at the Open University and was formerly Dean of the Faculty of Education and Language Studies. He is Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Distance and E Learning (EURODL), was from 1989-1998 Editor of Open Learning, was President of the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) from 2007-2010, is Co-Director of the Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning and a senior member of St Edmunds College, University of Cambridge. In 2012 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Moscow State University for Economics, Statistics and Informatics. He also holds a Visiting Chair at Aarhus University.

He has worked widely in developing countries for international organisations such as UNESCO, the European Commission and the Commonwealth of Learning. Recent most cited publications include ‘What are Open Universities for?’, in Open Learning, 2008, Vol 23:2, pp 85-94, ‘Leadership Development for Distance and E Learning’, 2007, in the International Handbook of Distance Education, Eds. Evans T, Haughey M and Murphy D, pp 499-512, and ‘Planning Student Support for Open and Distance Learning’, in Open Learning, 2000, Vol 15, No 3, pp 287-299.


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Professor Alan Tait




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