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J. Ola Lindberg

Member of the Scientific Committee, former member of the Publications and Promotions Committee, presenter, moderator


Ola earned his teacher’s certificate at Luleε University of Technology in 1992, and worked until 1997 as a teacher in mathematics and natural science. From 1996 he has been engaged in teacher education, and in 2005 he earned his PhD in Education at Umeε University. He is now a senior lecturer at the Department of Education, Mid Sweden University.


His special interests lie in ICT and teaching, the development of a digital competence for teachers, distance and online education and online learning communities, with a main research interest in teacher professional development supported by ICT. His research departs from a philosophical hermeneutical approach with an overall aim at understanding social and ethical processes of teaching and fostering. Together with his colleague and friend Dr. Anders D Olofsson, he has edited the forthcoming book Online Learning Communities and Teacher Professional Development: Methods for Improved Education Delivery.


Ola has within his research area contributed internationally with book chapters, journal articles and conference papers. He is the project leader for the international project Technology Enhanced Teacher Professional Development in Sweden and China, concerned with a three-year collaborative study between Mid Sweden University and South China Normal University supported by SIDA and the Swedish Research Council. He is also the leader for the research group Digital Competence in Teacher Education for the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Mid Sweden University.


Marcie Boucouvalas • Stephen Brown • Henk Eijkman • Johan Hough • J. Ola Lindberg • Ġorġ Mallia • Peter Mayall • Katherine McGuire • Anders D. Olofsson • Barry O'Grady • Pericles 'Asher' Rospigliosi • Jiorgos Sarrigeorgiou • Simon Shurville • Mary Snow • Richard Snow • Anthony Whitefieldd





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