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Anders D. Olofsson

Member of the Scientific Committee, former member of the Publications and Promotions Committee, presenter, moderator


Anders earned his teacher’s certification at Vδxjφ University, Sweden in 1999. After working four years as a teacher he moved to the northern parts of Sweden and started his PhD studies. In 2005 he earned a PhD in education at Umeε University, Sweden. Anders is now a senior lecturer in education at the Department of Education, Umeε University. He lectures in subjects related to, for example, ICT and assessment, online learning communities, distance and online education. In addition since 2006 Anders has been supervising PhD students and work half time at the Medical School, Umeε University as a researcher in the field of medical education and as an educational developer of the medical programme.


In his research Anders departs from a philosophical hermeneutical approach and his research is aimed at understanding the meaning of social processes of teaching and fostering, establishing the meaning of, for example, ethics, democracy, learning and teaching in an online education context. During the last few years Anders has developed a significant interest in teacher professional development taking place online. Together with his colleague and good friend Dr. J. Ola Lindberg, he has edited the book Online Learning Communities and Teacher Professional Development: Methods for Improved Education Delivery.


Anders has within his research area contributed internationally with book chapters, journal articles and papers to conference proceedings. He is the scientific leader for the research group Learning and ICT and co-leader for the research network ICT, Media & Learning within the Department of Education and Umeε School of Education, both at the Umeε University.

For more information: http://www.pedag.umu.se/personal/olofsson_a/index.html


Marcie Boucouvalas • Stephen Brown • Henk Eijkman • Johan Hough • J. Ola Lindberg • Ġorġ Mallia • Peter Mayall • Katherine McGuire • Anders D. Olofsson • Barry O'Grady • Pericles 'Asher' Rospigliosi • Jiorgos Sarrigeorgiou • Simon Shurville • Mary Snow • Richard Snow • Evangeline "Litsa" Varonis •  Anthony Whitefield






© ICICTE 2014