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The Conference


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Steering Committee


Scientific Committee


Publications and Promotions Committee


ICICTE Graduate Student Paper Award


ICICTE Student Paper Award Winners


Friends of the Conference


Website Archive




Programme & Papers


Call for Papers


Call for Poster Session Proposals


Call for Workshop Proposals


Manuscript Preparation Guidelines


Keynote Speakers




Conference Programme




Hotel & Travel






Post Conference Activities


Travel Information






ICICTE 2016 Proceedings


Photo Galleries




2015 Proceedings


2015 Photo Galleries




ICICTE Resources


2016 Resources


Welcome to ICICTE 2016


Photo and website backdrop: Marie Louise Kold

The sixteenth edition of the International Conference on Information, Communication Technologies in Education, ICICTE 2016, will be held on Rhodes, Greece, between 7 and 9 July, 2016.

ICICTE 2016 will seek to address the many challenges and new directions presented by technological innovations in educational settings and will bring together an international community of scholars and practitioners in a forum setting.

ICICTE invites papers, workshops and posters in a number of general themes, but also suggests a number of specialised themes that can be explored by its participants. 

The conference’s social programs have always brought Greek hospitality to the fore of our meetings and discussions. This year’s social program includes the opening night reception, the closing ‘Greek Night’ dinner, and two lunches.

For more information on the conference, click HERE.


ICICTE 2016 is sponsored by:

Conference news


The ICICTE 2016 Steering Committee would like to give its heartfelt thanks to the sponsors, keynote speaker, presenters and delegates, as well as all the helpers and members of committees for a truly wonderful conference this year. We talked. We learnt. We discussed. We argued (in a very friendly manner). We had a lot of fun. We'll see you back here next year for ICICTE 2017.

ICICTE 2016 Proceedings

Click HERE to go to ICICTE 2016 Proceedings. You can also download the full copy of the proceedings as a .pdf document.

ICICTE 2016 survey

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey (click HERE). It will be very useful to the conference. THANKS.

Photo Galleries

Photos taken during ICICTE 2016, posted at the end of every day of the conference. Click here to see them.

The final programme for ICICTE 2016

Go to the Conference Programme page to see it. This is the programme of plenary sessions, workshops, posters and social events that will take place during ICICTE 2016.

Pre-Conference Workshop - Wednesday, July 6

Applying the Quality Matters Rubric

This one day workshop explores the Quality Matters (QM) Project and Processes. 30 seats are available on a first come first served basis. Click HERE to learn more.

Paper submissions

All those who have not yet submitted a proposal and would like to submit a draft full paper for peer-review, should do so before April1. Please contact Nancy Pyrini if more details are needed.

Post Conference Activities

Fancy a trip to Lindos and a boat trip to Symi island after the conference? Check here for further details.


Manuscript and poster guidelines

Before formatting your paper and designing your poster, make sure that you read the guidelines provided by ICICTE. Paper manuscript formatting guidelines can be found HERE, and poster creation guidelines can be found HERE.


Conference Organisation

ICICTE 2016 is organised by Southampton Solent University, United Kingdom.

The conference is co-organised by the Justice Institute of British Columbia, Canada.


ICICTE 2016 Keynote Speaker

Dr Tannis Morgan, Associate Dean, Centre for Teaching, Learning, & Innovation, Justice Institute of British Columbia, Canada, is this year's ICICTE Keynote Speaker. Click HERE for further information.


International Journal of Information and Learning Technology

Selected papers from ICICTE 2016 will be published in a special edition of the journal with the longest connection to ICICTE. It focuses on the technology use in education (both local and distance). The special edition will be edited by chairman of the ICICTE Scientific Committee, Greg Anderson.


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Make sure you click LIKE on our Facebook page and follow us on the ICICTE Twitter page. Click the icons to go to the pages.




© ICICTE 2016