Artistic Reality In School educaTion: enActed, Reflective and Collaborative learning with the HUman orrery Space


ARISTARCHUS presents a visionary approach to instilling a sense of wonder and scientific curiosity in the younger generation through the captivating realm of space exploration and astronomy.


Over the past 50 years, human space exploration has achieved tremendous milestones, leaving an indelible impact on society. This awe-inspiring journey into the cosmos has kindled the flames of curiosity and inspired countless young minds to delve into the realms of science. By focusing on our Solar System, astronomy emerges as a compelling context for learners to develop observational skills, embrace scientific inquiry, and explore the fundamental laws of physics and mathematical concepts in an alluring and meaningful manner.


The ARISTARCHUS project recognizes that teaching astronomy at the primary/secondary school level poses unique challenges, with educators often more inclined toward literature or traditional disciplines. To bridge this gap, the project offers a holistic teaching framework, leveraging the Human Orrery, a 3D kinesthetic model of planetary motion in the inner solar system, to engage learners in interdisciplinary and inclusive STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) activities.


The ICICTE 2024 will serve as a platform to showcase the transformative potential of ARISTARCHUS and other similar initiatives that blend art, technology, and scientific exploration in education. Educators, researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders are invited to participate actively, contributing their insights and experiences on implementing interdisciplinary STEAM projects and promoting scientific curiosity among the younger generation.


A visionary approach to instilling a sense of wonder and scientific curiosity in the younger generation

© ICICTE 2024