"A gem of a conference..."

What academics think about ICICTE

"Since the first time I took part in ICICTE I have taken every opportunity to return. It is a conferences framed by the warmth and generous feeling the organizers create, and by its keynotes and presentations with high academic quality. I have particularly enjoyed the many opportunities to get to know people and make friends that the close atmosphere and many social dimensions of the conference provide.”

Dr J Ola Lindberg

Professor of Education, Department of Education, Umeå University, Sweden


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"ICICTE is a very high quality academic event, professionally, scientifically and socially. I have attended ICICTE annually since 2010. It is an extremely well organised conference which is rich with scientific, theoretical and practical content, stimulating different directions for thinking and new ways of action. Social activities create informal participant meetings that also promote meaningful interaction. Moreover, high quality scientific papers presented at ICICTE are published in prestigious scientific journals. Nancy Pyrini, the director of ICICTE, along with the chairs of the Communications, Scientific and Steering committees are outstandingly professional in their work for the success of ICICTE and the satisfaction and convenience of the delegates."

Dr Zuhaira Najjar

The Arab Academic College for Education in Israel


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“ICICTE is a top rate conference of enthusiastic and deeply experienced ICT educators. Participants come from a wide field of ICT use and from across the globe. Despite this wide coverage, it remains a small conference of about 100 annually. That makes its magic and family orientation so obvious. There are participants connected with school and university education programs, but even more from fields as diverse as acoustic engineering, fashion design, journalism and more. The proceedings of the conference are a must read for anyone considering attending this conference; also note the quality of Keynote Speakers - diverse and relevant to all. In the four years so far of attending, I have never failed to collect useful ideas from presenters, either through workshop presentation or at informal collegial chats throughout the conference. Greek hospitality and culture are another story for another time: needless to say, I find both exciting.”

John Hunt

Education Consultant: ICT for Learning, Queensland, Australia


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"ICICTE is a gem of a conference. I attended as a keynote in 2016 and appreciated the small size of this conference and the attention to creating a variety of formal and informal opportunities for scholarly and social conversation. The community vibe of the attendees, who I learned return year after year, was open and welcoming. I've noticed a trend in educational technology conferences becoming too large, or vendor driven, or repetitive and lacking depth in the research. ICICTE is a small but very  international conference that attracts a variety of high quality research presentations that are  both interesting  and original in  focus.  ICICTE is truly a diversion from the usual conference circuit offerings."

Dr Tannis Morgan

Associate Dean, Centre for Teaching, Learning, & Innovation, Justice Institute of British Columbia, Canada


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"I was introduced to ICICTE as a doctoral student, and have attended the conference several times. If you are interested in presenting your research, expanding your networks within ICT and education, and discussing your research with fellow colleagues, I strongly recommend this conference. In my experience, ICICTE provides all of the advantages of a small conference. You will not only be attending a conference, you will be meeting new colleagues and friends in a warm, welcoming and supportive atmosphere.”

Dr Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist

Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden


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“I’ve been to ICICTE several times over the years and just love the ‘extended family’ feel of the event – much of which is down to the fabulous organising committee. Not only do you meet with an interesting and creative group of educators from around the world - and there are many both formal and informal chances to connect with people throughout the conference – but on a scholarly front, I’ve had four of my conference papers picked up by journals associated with the conference: two in Campus Wide Information Systems (now the International Journal of Information and Learning Technology) and two in the American Journal of Distance Education. Both the conference peer review processes and the journal editing processes provided an extended learning experience for me long after the conference itself was over.”

Dr Carolyn Woodley

Senior Lecturer, Charles Sturt University, Australia


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“Our ICICTE Family has enriched our lives in so many ways. The very capable and gracious Conference Committee, with Nancy Pyrini at the helm, makes conference attendees feel so welcome upon arrival, appreciated during their stay, and the closing Greek Night celebration sends each home with a renewed interest in pedagogy as well as a heightened awareness of the roots of Western Civilization. While learning the cutting-edge technologies used in education, ICICTE also provides excursions highlighting Greek culture and always at breath-taking venues. Our participation in this conference shaped the educators we have become in diverse ways, and the friends we made through ICICTE will be treasured for a life time.”

Dr Mary Snow

Professor of Applied Aviation Sciences, College of Aviation, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA


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“ICICTE is not only a conference my husband, Dr. Chibani, and I attend yearly, but a routine we got hooked to. When you meet the committee members and participants, you feel like you are meeting with your own family members after a long period of longing. ICICTE is a very well organized, professional, scientific and social conference. Nancy Pyrini, the director of the conference, along with the other team members ascertain everyone gets engaged also in the social activities. I urge every researcher to participate in ICICTE in order to enrich his/her background and knowledge with many new topics on ICT in education.”

Dr Pascale Hajal Chibani

Notre Dame University, Lebanese University and Lebanese American University, Louaize, Lebanon


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“ICICTE provides an excellent opportunity for scholars around the world to share their professional ICT education experiences and participants are actively engaged in academic dialogue on various topics. The conference is well run and people are friendly. Participants definitely leave with rich ideas for future research. ICICTE is certainly a valuable academic event for educators to join.”

Dr. Wing Shui Ng

Lecturer, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


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“I highly recommend this conference to students, teachers and researchers interested in ICT for Education. This conference is special to me for academic, professional and personal reasons! I first attended it eight years ago and since then I do my very best to meet the ICICTE family every year. It all started in 2010, when I was a PhD student, and I presented part of my research at the conference and I got the Graduate Student Paper Award. It was just the start! Attending the conference and getting to know its attendees I had the opportunity to publish in international journals, to be invited to be part of the editorial advisory board of a book and a journal reviewer, do research and publish with researchers from other countries. I also had the chance to contribute to the conference itself as a member of the adjudicating panel of the poster sessions, moderating sessions, and being a member of ICICTE Communications Committee & Scientific Committee. The high quality research presentations, workshops and speeches always provided me with some food for thought and have contributed to the teacher and researcher I am today. Trying to sum up, high quality research, special friends and colleagues, extremely welcoming atmosphere, and the Greek culture and nature are some of the aspects that make this conference be this special and be part of my summer vacations! I guarantee all those who attend a lifetime experience!”

Dr Maria Eugenia Witzler D'Esposito

Faculdade Cultura Inglesa, São Paulo, Brazil


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"I really enjoy attending ICICTE every year and at the end of each conference, I leave ever more motivated to return, with fond memories of hospitality and graciousness. I’m glad to return because of the very high quality of research presented by participants from around the world in a way that is perfectly managed and equipped. I always learn tremendously from the expertise of participants regarding ICT use in school and university education. Previous conferences have enriched my reflections about the major issues and key challenges we are facing in digital innovation today. The Steering, Scientific and Communication Committees work with warmth, generosity and good will to make ICICTE a huge success. This is a great conference that symbolizes the spirit of openness and cooperation where one can exchange models of best practice and benefit from top quality multidisciplinary research in a convivial and idyllic setting."

Dr. Lamia Badra Belaziz

Senior Lecturer, University of Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France


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“The ICICTE annual conference in a variety of locations in Greece is inspiring for many reasons. 1. Top-quality presenters on current topics and relevant subjects. 2. International networking bonds formed for future research projects. 3. A mentorship program which helps writers become better at paper submissions. 4. Hosts that make sure delegates have balance with the growth of information exchange and social, Greek-hosted events with food, dance, and fellowship. An annual conference not to miss and come back to time after time!”

Gjoa Andrichuk

Communication Instructor and Writing Centre Coordinator at BCIT, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


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"A long time before I participated in ICICTE, I was trying to predict what it would be like to present my ideas for the first time in front of an audience full of important academics who live with the desire and the flame to share their knowledge and enlighten the world around them. Though it was a tough decision, I found the courage to stand and freely unfold my future dreams on education. This experience was not “just a lesson to be learnt”, but a spiritual treasure that proved in every small corner of my mind that amongst a group of people from different parts of the world who represent robust knowledge, I had the freedom and the respect to communicate my vision unconditionally. ICICTE is a treasure that revealed to me the value of true friendships that will last a lifetime and will always remind me of the importance of being earnest and noble, no matter the miles that separate or make me different from the rest of the world. Ideas are only valuable when spread across a wide and pure ground."

Athanasia Maria Tsiampa

Tutor-Special Educator EFL

SAT Test Preparation Center- Athens, Greece


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© ICICTE 2025