Aleksander Aristovnik

Kostantinos Karampelas

Orestes J. Varonis

John Hunt

Maria Eugenia Witzler D'Esposito

Zuhaira Najjar

Evangeline "Litsa" Varonis

Stephen Brown

Johan Hough

Katherine McGuire

Anthony Whitefield

Mary Snow

Richard Snow

Henk Eijkman

Pericles "Asher" Rospigliosi

J. Ola Lindberg

Anders D. Olofsson

Jiorgos Sarrigeorgiou

Peter Mayall

Barry O'Grady

Marcie Boucouvalas

Ġorġ Mallia

Simon Shurville


Aleksander Aristovnik


Aleksander has been a regular participant in ICICTE for a decade, and was always there to help, even financially, when the conference was in dire straits. He also contributes papers to the plenary sessions. A true friend of the conference.


Professor Aristovnik currently works at the Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana. Aleksander does research in Higher Education, Public Management, Macroeconomics, Public Economics and International Economics. Their current research projects are: "Transformation of governance and public sevice delivery mechanisms in the digital age" and "Developing a conceptual framework for citizen-centred smart public governance".




Kostantinos Karampelas


Kostas has been on the ICICTE Steering Committee for many years. He is also one of the regular attendees of the conference, persistently presenting high level academic research and providing many topics for discussion. He has always been a great support to ICICTE and continues to be so.


Dr Konstantinos Karampelas, has a BA in Elementary Education from the

University of theAegean (2001) and a Master in Science Education (2003) along with a PhD (2006) from the University of Southampton UK. His doctoral thesis, supervised by Prof Tony Kelly, focused on Curricular Reform in Science Education. He has experience of working as a researcher at the University of the Aegean and the

University of Southampton. Currently, he is working as Research and Teaching Associate at the Pedagogic Department of Primary Education, University of the Aegean, in Rhodes, Greece.  His research has focused on science and technology education topics such as STEAM and use of ICT in science teaching and education generally. He has published work in International refereed journals and conference records. He has also been a reviewer in the board of International Education Journals. Since 2012, he has attended and contributed to ICICTE as a, delegate and committee member.




Deacon Orestes J. Varonis


Orestes Varonis is the husband of Steering Committee member Litsa Varonis as well as a very frequent delegat at ICICTE. For many years, through his support for work done for ICICTE, not least in proof-reading the Proceedings, Deacon Varonis has been an indispensable asset to the conference.


Deacon Orestes J. Varonis was born on the Aegean island of Chios, Greece. Following his high school studies, he came to the U.S. to pursue a BA degree with majors in Physics and Mathematics. He then earned an MA degree in Mathematics, an MS degree in Physics, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. In 1980, Dn. Orestes married Evangeline (Litsa) Marlos in Philadelphia and together they have raised two children, Yianni and Maria.  On January 31, 2004, Dn. Orestes was ordained as a permanent Deacon and since then, he has served the parish of St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Massillon OH, USA both as Byzantine Cantor and Deacon of the Church. In late 2013, Dn. Orestes retired from the Timken Company after working for 27 years at the Timken Technology Center in North Canton OH, most recently as Manager of the Advanced Sensors and Controls Group.  He has over 30 years of experience in sensor technologies as applied to industrial product and process development, with several sensor patents issued to his credit.




Marie Louise Kold


For many years Marie Louise, who is a full time artist from Scandinavia, has been supporting ICICTE by being the official conference photographer. She also provides the bespoke artworks given as awards during the conference.


Marie Louise has made a name for herself internationally with her ability to imbue metals with an emotional charge that turns them into art. She has developed a technique of her own, which has its roots in the tradition of copper printing. Working with copper, brass and bronze she engraves and etches the metal, not using it to print with, but transforming it in such a way that the metal itself becomes the actual art object. At times she also paints or prints directly on it.


Educated in art, metallurgy and bronze casting, she has been working with metal since the mid-1990's. Marie Louise Kold has exhibited extensively and her works are in private collections all over the world, including that of the Royal Swedish Court.




John Hunt


Long standing member of the Communications Committee, paper presenter, moderator and annual participant and promoter of ICICTE.


John has had a long career in education. Right now he is an Education Consultant in ICIT for Learning. He was from 2009 till 2016 a lecturer in Primary Education (Science and ICT) at University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. Between October 2005 and February 2011, he was a Senior Project Officer: Computers for Teachers Evaluation in Coorparoo, Queensland. From 2001 to 2005 he lectured in Science and Technology Curriculum and Pedagogy, Entraġreneurship and ICT and Pedagogy  at the Central Queensland University.  He developed science resources for Junior Science (Distance Education) as a Science Curriculum writer and ICT trainer in Queensland Education from 1999 to 2000. He was also a Chancellor of a State College (Primary Campus) in Queensland in 1998.


John has recently completed a project in Indonesian Papua. With Cambridge Education and ACER, he is Technical Coordinator in the Review of ICT in Papua. This project was concluded in June 2015.


In his spare time, he develops learning materials to support the University's Western Desert Art collection, writes short texts for primary science education and researches student use of ICT, smartphones and social media in Kota Salatiga (Central Java). The latter is an extension to his work in Papua and is being conducted in partnership with Dr Dharma Palekahelu, Dean of FTI at UKSW.




Maria Eugenia Witzler D'Esposito


Member of the Publications and Promotions Committee and of the Scientific Committee, presenter, moderator, winner of the 2010 Student Paper Award.


Maria Eugenia is one of the most active promoters of ICICTE ever. She has managed to bring to the conference a lot of scholarship from her native Brazil. She herself is a constant participant, with thought provoking papers. She is also always ready to help with any work that needs doing during the conference.


Post-doctorate student in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2012). Graduated in English Language: translation and a full degree in English Language learning and teaching (1993), an MA in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies (2004) and a Doctorate in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2012). She currently works as a full time professor at Faculdade Cultura Inglesa. Her area of interest is language learning and teaching, researching mainly the following topics: teacher training, educational technologies, higher education, distance education, writing, and complexity.


Apart from her active involvement in ICICTE committees, she is a member of the research group "Education and Language learning: approaches, methodologies and technologies" (UERJ / CNPq) .




Zuhaira Najjar


Member of the Scientific Committee, presenter, moderator.


Zuhaira Najjar have been presenting at ICICTE in her areas of specialisation since 2010. Because of the warm social atmosphere and the scientific contribution of the conference, ICICTE has become an annual event for her.


Zuhaira Najjar is an instructor and head of the internship department at The Academic Arab College for Education in Haifa City. In addition, she works as a researcher at the Mofet Institute – a national inter-collegial center for the research and development of programs in teacher education and teaching in the colleges.


Zuhaira received her PhD and M.A. from Tel-Aviv University School of Education. For seventeen years she worked for the Israeli Ministry of Education teaching students with learning disabilities. In the years 2003-2008 she lectured at the Academic Institute for Training Arab Teachers at Beit Berl College in Kfar Saba and chaired the special education department. Also, she worked as an instructor at the Open University.


Her academic interests include: the interaction between education and information technology, and the pedagogical challenges and opportunities presented by the incorporation of technology in the classroom.




Evangeline "Litsa" Varonis


Member of the Scientific Committee, workshop facilitator, presenter, moderator.


Litsa Varonis first presented at ICICTE in 2010 and regrets that she did not join the family earlier. That year, her husband Orestes begged her to write an abstract for the following year so they could attend again together, and for them it has become an annual event.


Litsa works as an instructional designer at The University of Akron and is involved in many outreach activities involving instructional technology. She was the first person in the English Department to teach in a Distance Learning classroom and also the first to use a learning management system. Excited about the ways in which learning technologies could enhance education, she moved to a position in IT but continues to teach regularly.


Certified as a Quality Matters Master Reviewer and Facilitator, in 2013-4 she served on the committee charged with updating the Quality Matters rubric used internationally to certify quality online course design. She introduced Quality Matters to ICICTE in 2013 when she presented a paper on it and volunteered her services as a facilitator of the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric workshop.


Litsa has a BA (English, Psychology, and Honors) from Arcadia University and an MA (Linguistics) from the University of Pennsylvania. She has published widely in the areas of instructional technology, English as a Second Language, English composition, and linguistics.




Stephen Brown


Member of the Scientific Committee, presenter, workshop facilitator and "friend in need" of the conference.


Stephen Brown has been Professor of Learning Technologies at De Montfort University, UK, since 1994. He is also director of Hyperworks Ltd, which provides consultancy, training and content development services in the fields of knowledge media design, distance education and technology enhanced learning. Stephen is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Distance Education, International Programmes at the University of London.


Stephen has also been associated with BT, The University of Ulster, The Open University, Leicester Polytechnic, The Royal Academy of Engineering, and JISC Technologies Centre.


He is a strategic leader, designer, researcher, educationalist, teacher, trainer, learning technologist and distance learning expert, with extensive experience of leadership, change management and innovation in industry and higher education.


He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, an Associate Member of the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, a Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology, and a Certified Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.


One can see publications, grants and projects at:



Johan Hough


Member of the Publications and Promotions Committee, presenter, workshop facilitator and sponsor of the conference.


Johan Hough is a Professor and Consultant of Strategy, International Business and management with twenty years practical experience in research and management-related environments. He prefers a participative and interactive role in consulting and facilitating local and foreign business alliances with the emphasis on creating a competitive advantage for clients. His career objective is to further his teaching and consulting career in strategic management and corporate entrepreneurship in a growing globalised environment.


At the moment, he is busy with the following consulting/research projects: Corporate entrepreneurship as a competitive advantage in large SA companies; the formation, development and maintenance of strategic alliances by South African companies to become more competitive in international business; strategic flexibility in the financial services industry.


Since 2003 he has been a Professor at the University of Stellenbosch, and has also been associated with the University of South Africa, the First National Bank (Johannesburg), and the Department of Agriculture (Pretoria).


Johan was the author of the first book on International Business in South Africa. He was the recipient of the Ernst Oppenheimer Memorial Trust’s Overseas Research Grant for 1999/2000. He was part of the selection team for the South African Global Company Awards, sponsored by Business Report, Barlows and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 2000. Johan was the recipient of the Merit Research Award from the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at Unisa, 1997. He was project leader of a 1997 competitiveness research project commissioned by the World Economic Forum in Switzerland in a venture with Deloitte & Touche. He was the presenter of the first Unisa course on the Internet, 1997 and the recipient of the Researcher of the Year Award,1996 and the Merit Award for Outstanding Research,1995 (Department of Business Management, Unisa).


He has sixty-five contributions in terms of articles, handbooks, conference proceedings, research reports and other relevant contributions.




Katherine McGuire


Member of the Scientific Committee, presenter and workshop facilitator.


Katherine McGuire is a Senior Instructor of Psychology at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John, Canada. She has qualifications in Psychology and Adult Education and has been involved in research in both areas. In addition to obtaining a Masters in Adult Education and a Master of Arts in Psychology, she has earned a Diploma in University Teaching and has been teaching in higher education since 1996.


As a dedicated teacher she continues to make efforts towards pedagogical improvement both within her own classes and her workplace, actively participating in improving the overall pedagogical standards at her university. She has provided important support for student advising and recruitment, has held workshops in student success, and has served on the organising committee for many on-campus teaching related events. Katherine is the current co-chair of the Teaching Excellence and Policy Senate Committee and is a member of both the Vice-President’s Excellence in Teaching Committee and the University of New Brunswick Research Ethics Board. Locally, she is a member of the interprofessional Health Research Committee and, nationally, was a member of the 2010 organizing committee for the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (a conference focused on issues relevant to instructional technology).


She and her collaborators have published research in refereed journals and conference proceedings and have presented at local, national, and international conferences. Much of her research has focused on cognitive psychology, pedagogical issues, and the improvement of teaching effectiveness. She has taught at the international level at Beijing Concord College, China and on a volunteer basis at Emmanuel College in Swaziland.


She has a love for travel which has taken her from beneath the pyramids of Giza to Basecamp Mount Everest. This passion and a deep desire to help underprivileged children, has led her to work on projects in South Africa, Swaziland, and the Ukraine.




Anthony Whitefield


Member of the Scientific Committee, moderator, presenter and workshop facilitator.


Dr Tony Whitefield is a lecturer in Accounting at Swinburne University in Melbourne Australia.  He has qualifications in education and accounting, but his true love is education.  His Masters in Education was on learning styles and his PhD was in teaching with technology.  Over the past few years, he has had stints in the Faculty of Business at Swinburne as the Educational Development Coordinator and more recently as the Associate Dean International.  He has a number of PhD students and is a member of the Swinburne University Human Research Ethics Committee.  His connection with ICICTE goes back to 2003 when he presented his first paper.  Since then, he has presented more papers (the last one was with his wife and son), attended all conferences, chaired many sessions, danced at Greek nights, joined the Scientific Committee and has been one of the guest editors of the journal Campus Wide Information Systems, which publishes a special edition each year from the papers arising out of the conference.


He has been a teacher for over 30 years, including 21 years teaching in secondary schools and now he is coming up to 10 years in higher education.  Apart from teaching, he holds a 4th Dan in Taekwondo, plays bass guitar in a band and with his wife Despina has a house on the Greek Island of Limnos.  One day, he hopes to retire to the village life in Limnos and grow and make his own ouzo.



Mary Snow


Member of the Scientific Committee, presenter, moderator.


Dr. Mary Snow teaches meteorology, climatology, climate change, and geography in the Department of Applied Aviation Sciences at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.


She earned her Ph.D. in Physical Geography with a specialty in Life Sciences from Indiana State University in 1999. Dr. Snow has presented her research to numerous professional organizations including the American Meteorological Society, the National Weather Association, the National Council for Geographic education, the Association of American Geographers, and the University Aviation Association. She has presented at international conferences in Greece, Germany, France, the Netherlands, England, Cancun, the Bahamas, and Hawaii.


Her diverse research topics include microburst avoidance for pilots, temperature range variability, global climate change, applied climatic indices, renewable energy, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications in meteorology and climatology.


Her husband, Dr. Rich Snow, and she have produced numerous refereed journal articles and proceedings papers and recently co-authored a textbook entitled Climatology: An Atmospheric Science published by Prentice-Hall.


The Snows first presented at the ICICTE on Samos in 2003 and have been associated with the conference since that time as presenters, moderators, and committee members. Dr. Snow is also a licensed private pilot.



Richard Snow


Member of the Scientific Committee, presenter, moderator.


Dr. Richard Snow teaches meteorology, climatology, climate change, and geography in the Department of Applied Aviation Sciences at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.


He earned his Ph.D. in Physical Geography with a specialty in Life Sciences from Indiana State University in 1999. Dr. Snow has presented his research to numerous professional organizations including the American Meteorological Society, the National Weather Association, the National Council for Geographic education, the Association of American Geographers, and the University Aviation Association. He has presented at international conferences in Greece, Germany, France, the Netherlands, England, Cancun, the Bahamas, and Hawaii. His diverse research topics include microburst avoidance for pilots, temperature range variability, global climate change, applied climatic indices, renewable energy, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications in meteorology and climatology.


His wife, Dr. Mary Snow, and he have produced numerous refereed journal articles and proceedings papers and recently co-authored a textbook entitled Climatology: An Atmospheric Science published by Prentice-Hall. The Snows first presented at the ICICTE on Samos in 2003 and have been associated with the conference since that time as presenters, moderators, and committee members.


They look forward to another Greek Night with the gusto of a hound dog.




Henk Eijkman


Member of the Scientific Committee, presenter, moderator.


Henk currently works as a higher education learning solutions and innovation specialist at the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Campus. He also acts as a learning and assessment solutions consultant to various engineering colleges in India and is Visiting Professor of Academic Development at Annasaheb Dange Colleg of Engineering and Technology in India.


Henk's academic background is in the social sciences (sociology, social welfare and political science) and post-school educational innovation and leadership. He has taught at various colleges and universities in the social sciences and in post-school curricular and pedagogic practices in trans-culturally diverse settings such a s in South Africa, Malaysia, Palestine, and India. Henk publishes widely in international journals and serves on three Conference Committees. He is the incoming editor of "The Learning Organisation" and is a founding co-editor of the new International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education (IJQAETE).


Henk aspires to make a positive difference in the lives of students and educators, especially, but not only, those from minority or marginalised social groups, by contributing to efforts for educational improvement both in Australia and in low-income (developing) countries. His teaching and research interests, therefore, are firmly grounded in socially inclusive educational strategies, leadership, and advocacy. Specific interests currently include the strategic role of Web 2.0+ social media, social theories of learning and improving socially inclusive outcomes in post-colonial educational settings.



Pericles 'Asher' Rospigliosi


Member of the Scientific Committee, presenter, moderator.


Asher is a senior lecturer in e-business and management information systems at the University of Brighton Business School. He conducts research into blended e-learning for higher education and continuing professional development in business. Asher has a substantial and successful commercial track record in the development and management of online systems for commerce and education. One of of his commercial projects won the 1999 PPAi award for best consumer website (GameSpot UK). Other areas of specialist interest are the impact of ubiquitous internet access on business, organisations, planning, learning and knowledge.


Away from the internet, he has spent the last four years researching the relationship between higher education and employment. He is currently working on the idea of a New Vocationalism: returning the emphasis in education to stimulating students willingness and ability to learn. With his co-authors he has presented these ideas at the The Institute For Employment Studies and The Work Foundation.


Asher's non-academic areas of interest include his dogs (Cleo and Hermes), tipis and low impact living, Wing Chun Kung Fu, walking, cooking, eating, dancing and travelling with his partner Mitch (though not necessarily in that order!).


More details can be found online at:









J. Ola Lindberg


Member of the Scientific Committee, former member of the Publications and Promotions Committee, presenter, moderator


Ola earned his teacher’s certificate at Luleå University of Technology in 1992, and worked until 1997 as a teacher in mathematics and natural science. From 1996 he has been engaged in teacher education, and in 2005 he earned his PhD in Education at Umeå University. He is now a senior lecturer at the Department of Education, Mid Sweden University.


His special interests lie in ICT and teaching, the development of a digital competence for teachers, distance and online education and online learning communities, with a main research interest in teacher professional development supported by ICT. His research departs from a philosophical hermeneutical approach with an overall aim at understanding social and ethical processes of teaching and fostering. Together with his colleague and friend Dr. Anders D Olofsson, he has edited the forthcoming book Online Learning Communities and Teacher Professional Development: Methods for Improved Education Delivery.


Ola has within his research area contributed internationally with book chapters, journal articles and conference papers. He is the project leader for the international project Technology Enhanced Teacher Professional Development in Sweden and China, concerned with a three-year collaborative study between Mid Sweden University and South China Normal University supported by SIDA and the Swedish Research Council. He is also the leader for the research group Digital Competence in Teacher Education for the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Mid Sweden University.



Anders D. Olofsson


Member of the Scientific Committee, former member of the Publications and Promotions Committee, presenter, moderator


Anders earned his teacher’s certification at Växjö University, Sweden in 1999. After working four years as a teacher he moved to the northern parts of Sweden and started his PhD studies. In 2005 he earned a PhD in education at Umeå University, Sweden. Anders is now a senior lecturer in education at the Department of Education, Umeå University. He lectures in subjects related to, for example, ICT and assessment, online learning communities, distance and online education. In addition since 2006 Anders has been supervising PhD students and work half time at the Medical School, Umeå University as a researcher in the field of medical education and as an educational developer of the medical programme.


In his research Anders departs from a philosophical hermeneutical approach and his research is aimed at understanding the meaning of social processes of teaching and fostering, establishing the meaning of, for example, ethics, democracy, learning and teaching in an online education context. During the last few years Anders has developed a significant interest in teacher professional development taking place online. Together with his colleague and good friend Dr. J. Ola Lindberg, he has edited the book Online Learning Communities and Teacher Professional Development: Methods for Improved Education Delivery.


Anders has within his research area contributed internationally with book chapters, journal articles and papers to conference proceedings. He is the scientific leader for the research group Learning and ICT and co-leader for the research network ICT, Media & Learning within the Department of Education and Umeå School of Education, both at the Umeå University.


For more information:



Jiorgos Sarrigeorgiou


Indispensably active in the background of the ICICTE conference since 2004, Jiorgos Sarrigeorgiou is part of the backbone of the conference, and helps make the event successful.


Jiorgos, whose main field of expertise is the installation of heating and cooling systems, has worked in Technical Vocational Schools since 2000. He served for several years in remote areas such as Samos island in the North-East Aegean Sea and Komotini in the North-Eastern part of the mainland of Greece. There Jiorgos dealt with the inequality of educational opportunities within rural areas by introducing in his teaching methods innovative approaches that went beyond formal education.


He has been involved in European life-long training programmes such as Comenius, as well as in national actions such as Daedalus, which is a programme for the development and implementation of demonstration projects and the awarding of educational projects by students of public Technical Vocational Schools.


He has contributed greatly to the success of many years of ICICTE by means of his hard work and his persistent positive approach to problem solving.




Peter Mayall


Peter Mayall is a lecturer in finance at the Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia. His primary qualification was in Chartered Accounting and he worked in this capacity in his early career in Africa, the Middle East and the UK until he found that all that has been said about accountants was true.


He then moved to Australia and changed to the finance industry, being involved in the assessment and funding of capital projects. He joined academia in 1993 and lectures in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions and financial decision making.


His research interests include the topics of mergers, agency issues and the teaching of finance. He has published in the area of the teaching of finance.


His interests include scuba diving, bicycling, mountain trekking and TV channel surfing. He does as much boating as his job and bank balance allows.



Barry O'Grady


Barry O’Grady is a lecturer in finance at the Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia. He holds qualifications in Finance, Economics and Accounting.


He has worked in the finance and banking industry in Europe, Australia and the US. His academic and practical interests relate to operations of financial markets with a particular interest in equity, commodity and derivative markets.


He has worked in academia for the last nine years and has enjoyed seeing students excel and achieve their goals. His interests include most sports, sailing, drama and the arts.


He hopes to visit British Columbia one day and challenge one of the local bears to a game of golf (he will let the bear win).




Marcie Boucouvalas


Keynote speaker (2005), member of the Scientific Committee, presenter, workshop facilitator, moderator, local media liaison.


Marcie is a resident faculty member of Virginia Tech’s Graduate Center. She has four decades of experience in the field, practicing within a variety of institutional contexts, in geographically diverse areas, in urban and rural settings, with a myriad of populations, special interest group and cultures from the elite to the impoverished.


She has served on the editorial board of the Adult Education Quarterly for over a decade and has been editor-in-chief for the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology since 2002 having served as a field editor since 1981.


Marcie has published, made presentations, or provided service/consulting in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, served as a Kellogg exchange professor to England, and was the USA representation to three World Assemblies in Adult Education and to two UNESCO Assemblies. She is listed in biographical reference publications such as  Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Education, Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America, The World Who’s Who of Women, The Who’s Who of Business and Professional Women, and the International Directory of Distinguished Leadership.


She is a member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame.



Ġorġ Mallia


Member of the Scientific and Steering Committees, ICICTE graphic designer, webmaster, presenter, moderator, chair of the P&P Committee and ICICTE Communications co-ordinator.


Ġorġ lectures in communications and instructional technology at the University of Malta. He is the head of the Department of Media and Communications at the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences, with lecture specialisations in print and presentation media, graphic design, instructional design and educational communications.


He has a PhD in Instructional Technology from the University of Sheffield, UK. His research interests include: impacts on teaching and learning of new media technologies and social software; transfer of learning; hypertextual processing, and instructional communications. He has presented and published a number of papers about these areas, and has also lectured about aspects of them locally and around Europe.


Ġorġ was at the first ICICTE Conference in Samos as a delegate and has been a member of the Scientific Committee since 2004, still presenting, but also moderating, and in 2007 designing the conference material and in 2008 the conference website too. He is now ex ufficio formal conference graphic designer and web master. As from ICICTE 2012 he is Chair of the Publications and Promotions Committee, as well as Communications Coordinator.


In Malta, he is also well known as a children’s book writer and illustrator, a satirical cartoonist who had his own comic strip published in Malta’s leading weekly newspaper for many years, and for his frequent presence on the national media. He was chairman of Malta’s Government appointed National Book Council between 2005 and 2013.


More information can be found at



Simon Shurville


Member of the Scientific Committee and Organizational Committees, co-editor of Campus Wide Information Systems selected papers issues for 2006 and 2007, presenter, moderator, 2009 keynote writer.


Simon has extensive experience of delivery, development, project management, and research of e-learning, information systems and knowledge management in higher education, industry and the public sector.  Until recently he was a Senior Lecturer in Electronically Enhanced Learning at Cranfield University where he has also lectured in knowledge management, organizational learning and human computer interaction. Previously he was:


• Project Director of the Managed Learning Environment at the University of Sussex

• A Senior Business Modeler for Moody’s Risk Management

• Co-Course Director of the UG and PG Certificate/Diploma in Digital Entrepreneurship for SMEs in New Media and UG Certificate/Diploma in Online Tutoring for City University

• Project Manager for E-Learning at iDesk Research Communities

• Project Manager in E-Learning at the University of Oxford

• Research Fellow in Online Learning at the University of Brighton


He is Assistant Editor with responsibility for themed issues for the international journal Campus-Wide Information Systems and recently co-edited a special double issue of the international journal Organizational Transformation and Social Change on ICT-Driven Change in Higher Education.  Simon has now migrated to Australia to join his wife Marian and plans to buy her a troublesome camper van so they can work their way methodically through Mr James Halliday’s Wine Atlas of Australia. He recommends Tapanappa Whalebone Vineyard Wrattonbully Cabernet/Shiraz, Samuel’s Gorge McLaren Flat Temparanillo, Tasmanian camp sites and the buskers at the Fremantle Market Bar. He would like to find a magic door to Samos and McLaren Vale and prop it open with copies of the collected works of Ursula K. Le Guin ... so that Marian and his cat Skippy can always enjoy the sunshine.


More information can be found at



Each year since 2007, the Conference has honoured those who have contributed their time, expertise and abilities to help ICICTE move forward.





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